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mavi ufoalarm

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UFO Research Welcome Everyone ! To The Channel mavi 777 L

mavi ufoalarm
1 week ago - 20 likes

Russia is hitting Kiev with rockets, do you think the world war has started!!!

mavi ufoalarm
3 months ago - 110 likes

Welcome to world war 3
#BREAKING NEWS | Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that RUSSIA WILL SUPPORT IRAN if the USA attacks Iranian territory to support Israel.

mavi ufoalarm
3 months ago - 154 likes

April 8 Solar Eclipse Prophecies Are Chilling! What Will Happen After April 8?

Iran Announced That It Will Declare War on Israel on Monday, April 8.

The news that "During the solar eclipse on April 8, CERN will test the world's most powerful particle accelerator to investigate the 'Dark' matter that secretly powers our universe" also caused a sensation.

mavi ufoalarm
4 months ago - 60 likes

Justin Bieber: 'Jay-Z Rapes and Kills Children with Satanic Rituals'…

mavi ufoalarm
4 months ago - 26 likes

A video that explains the truth of Archon in depth. Translate it as subtitles in your own language.

mavi ufoalarm
4 months ago - 63 likes

Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group in California.
Many of the Satanist Elite have now accumulated gold and are about to
He says he's preparing to flee to their shelter because of "something big and scary."…

mavi ufoalarm
4 months ago - 73 likes

Archon (Greek ἄρχων árchōn 'ruler', Coptic arkhōn, plural: archons) is in ancient Gnosis the name for lower, malevolent spiritual beings who are indirectly descended from God, but do not know him and do not act according to his wishes.

According to Gnostic theology, the deity is absolutely otherworldly. The nature of this God is alien to that of the universe. He did not create the world and does not rule it; rather, his nature is in complete contrast to theirs. God is in his distant realm of light, while the cosmos is the realm of darkness.

The Archons, as a group, are collectively the creators and rulers of the universe in some Gnostic systems. According to differing teachings of other Gnostics, only the leader of the Archons, the Demiurge, accomplished the work of creation. However, all Gnostic interpretations of the world agree that the cosmos was created as a huge prison and that people are trapped in it. According to the geocentric world view of the time, the center of this bad world is the Earth as the setting for human life. The Earth is surrounded by cosmic spheres that enclose it like concentrically arranged shells. These spheres are usually equated with the seven spheres, to which, according to ancient astronomy, the five planets visible to the naked eye as well as the sun and moon are assigned. In this geocentric model, in which all celestial bodies orbit the Earth, the sun and moon are considered planets. The eighth, outermost sphere is the fixed star sky. The seven planetary spheres are the seats of seven archons, who thus function as planetary gods. Their sphere of power is the realm of the “Seventh” (Hebdomas) and also includes the earth. According to some teachings that assume a demiurge as archon leader, he lives in the fixed star sky. According to one variant, advocated by the Gnostic Basileides, one archon is the ruler of the fixed star heaven, while another, identified with the biblical God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, controls the planetary spheres and is the creator of the earth. The archons bear Hebrew names of God from the Tanach such as Zebaot (Sabaoth) and Adonai. Thus, these names, which in Judaism were originally reserved for the one God and creator of the world, became in Gnosis the proper names of lower demonic powers. So they experienced a pejorative revaluation. In accordance with this negative evaluation of the creation process and the creator(s), the leader of the Archons, the Demiurge, is often depicted with the distorted features of the god YHWH.

The structure of the cosmos, which appears in the celestial spheres, serves the goal of separating people from the otherworldly God, preventing the knowledge of God and thus keeping the prisoners down as long as possible. The tyrannical world rule of the archons is referred to in Gnostic texts with the expression Heimarmene (fate). The Gnostics adopted the concept of fate from fatalistic Greek astrology, but they reinterpreted it in a negative sense. In contrast to the philosophical and astrological fatalists, who advocated the affirmation of home rule and conscious, willing integration into the given world order, the Gnostics viewed the fate, which was controlled by the malevolent archons, as a terrible fate. They called for people to leave the archons' sphere of influence because escaping from captivity was possible. According to the Gnostic teachings of salvation, the human spirit (pneuma) - the spirit soul as the carrier of the individual personality - can escape prison if it has acquired the necessary knowledge, gnosis. When a person dies, their spirit soul, the “inner man,” separates from the body, which is part of the archon’s creation. Then the spirit soul, if it has gnostic knowledge, can ascend through the celestial spheres, leave the universe and find the way to God. However, she has to escape the archons, each of whom guards his planetary sphere and tries to block the passage of the spirit soul in order to keep it in the cosmos.

The Coptic text The Nature of the Archons or The Hypostasis of the Archons offers a description of the role of the Archons and the beginning and history of their world rule. It only survives in a single copy, discovered in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi manuscript discovery.

mavi ufoalarm
5 months ago - 60 likes

Archons: The real builders and owners of the material universe
Translate this Instagram account into English and follow it. These are the hidden truths of the universe. It is time for you to learn this truth.
Did you say God? Are you kidding? Do you still believe in a God who will save you? But the books are interested in making you hate each other and kill people. Don't you know that heaven is promised to those who die in the way of Allah? Then go kill people, you idiots. This is a human slaughterhouse, they feed on the energy of death, blood and fear. You are the sacrificial sheep on the human farm. It's time for a new harvest. Everywhere will turn into a bloodbath. Let the preparations for the Eid begin.

mavi ufoalarm
5 months ago - 80 likes

This is not the real Netanyahu. It is obvious that he is wearing a mask.

mavi ufoalarm
6 months ago - 7 likes

groundbreaking information