Hey there! I'm Euchloe Lotta, I was BluJay before, but I have since changed it. You're welcome to call me Lotta or Euchloe(Euchloe is pronounced "You-ka-low" lol), or just the full thing, Euchloe Lotta. I'm a digital artist, and I LOVE to draw dragons (as you have already seen) and sometimes people. Wings of Fire is one of my favorite book series and all the dragons I draw are in the Wings of Fire world. I may do tutorials from time to time, but not often. I post once a week usually, but during the summer I post more. My favorite color is pink and purple and I like to read. I dislike arguments(so maybe try not to argue with me, I may cry lol. I will get into a friendly debate tho 😊). I hope you enjoy my art and videos!
-Lotta 🩷
- Are art trades open??
- What program do you use?
Krita and procreate!