Mission Statement
Christ Centered Education for Character
Core Values
We believe in the Triune God, God the Father and creator, Jesus Christ, His Son, and our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our counselor, and empowerer.
We are committed to the Bible, the true, complete, authoritative Word of God, and practice Biblical principles such as: character, compassion, courage, excellence, faith, forgiveness, hope, integrity, love, morality, patience, stewardship, wisdom.
We value all persons because all have God-created value and are eternally accountable to God for the life they live.
We value all Truth as having its source in God and, therefore, are free to explore, study, and appreciate the entire universe of true Knowledge.
We believe in, encourage and promote Christian leadership and service to the world.
Central Christian College of Kansas
is affiliated with the Free Methodist Church of North America