Welcome to Tezusri Electrical Engineering You tube channel,
Dear Electrical Engineering students and engineers, In this channel ,we will teaching you Electrical and Electronic Engineering subjects. You can find videos related to Electrical as well as Electronic Engineering over here. These video lectures cover the elementary yet most important part of Electrical as well as Electronic Engineering concepts and this video lectures are very use full for the students who are preparing for the competitive exams like GATE,IES,State wise public service commission like TGPSC ,APPSC(AEE,AE),…SSC JE..etc And various Power Utility companies like TGGENCO,TGRANSCO,TGNPDCL, TGNPDCL,APGENCO,APTRANSCO ,APEPDCL,UPPCL ,MAHAGENCO,MAHATRANSCO etc in various states.
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