"Note to Self" is a podcast about connection – the connection between our past and present selves, between our dreams and realities, and between our shared experiences as human beings. We explore themes like self-discovery, resilience, personal growth, and the incredible power of intention.
So, whether it's the faded post-it note stuck to your fridge, the digital memo on your phone, or a heartfelt letter to your younger self, these notes serve as a testament to the wisdom, strength, and vulnerability that make us who we are.
Join us on "Note to Self" as we explore the profound, the ordinary, and everything in between. Together, we'll uncover the hidden gems in the scribbles, the doodles, and the heartfelt messages we leave for ourselves.
When studying numerology, the number four is associated with transformative energy.
Remember, your notes are a reflection of your journey, so make them count.