Rizul Sharma
Bankers’ Strategy
Hi guys, Welcome to my channel. Before telling you anything further. Let's first check how many exams i have cleared.
Some exams which I cleared till now is -
Prelims: Ibps rrb clerk 2018, Sbi po/clerk 2019, ibps rrb clerk 2019, ibps po/clerk 2019, lic AAO/ADO/Asst. 2019, Ibps po 2020, ibps rrb po/clerk 2020, Sbi po 2020, Hpscb clerk 2021, ibps rrb po 2021, ibps po 2021, Niacl AO 2021, Esic udc 2022, Esic SSO 2022, IDBI Pgdbf.
Mains: IBPS po 2019, Ibps rrb po 2020, Ibps po 2020, Ibps rrb po 2021, Ibps po 2021, Hpscb clerk 2021, Esic udc 2022.
And the journey is still continuous and hopefully this year it will end. Finger-crossed 😉.
Anyone who want to master the trick to clear prelims, then watch my analysis videos. It will definitely give you some idea and implement the recommendation which I will suggest you in those videos. See ya and don't forget to subscribe the channel.