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IT Wale Bhaiya

99.1K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hi Guys, Sachin Saxena Here Welcome to IT Wale Bhaiya Yah

IT Wale Bhaiya
1 week ago - 0 likes


IT Wale Bhaiya
4 months ago - 2 likes

Follow the IT Wale Bhaiya channel on WhatsApp:

IT Wale Bhaiya
5 months ago - 0 likes

Heyyyyy People πŸ‘‹

IT Wale Bhaiya is on WhatsApp

created my WhatsApp channel
Join the channel of you interested in
Tech , Stories , Experiences overall can say my public diaryyy πŸ€πŸ˜…


IT Wale Bhaiya
6 months ago - 2 likes

Recently i have interview on Swiggy (aSDE) - Android Role

Result : Not Selected
Interview Experience
Read it here…

#tech #interview #swiggy

IT Wale Bhaiya
6 months ago - 3 likes

Are you Mobile Developer ?

IT Wale Bhaiya
9 months ago - 13 likes

Starting a series for Beginners Android Developers
There a a lot of Doubts when we start Mobile App Development

So here is the first video
Types of Mobile App developers