Youtube Channel of Medical Andrological and Urological Disclosure.
Prof. Vicini in the field of urological andrological surgery and plastic surgery performs aesthetic and functional surgery concerning the male and female genitals, correction of varicocele with microsurgical technique (anterograde sclerosis), penile straightening corporoplasty for all penile curvatures, penile elongation and enlargement phalloplasty laser, soft, malleable and hydraulic three-component penile prosthesis implants for Peyronie's disease or Induratio Penis Plastica and erectile dysfunction, artificial urinary sphincter implant for male urinary incontinence, urethroplasty with buccal mucosa for penile and bulbar urethral stenosis, treatment of gynecomastia, laser vaginoplasty, vaginal labioplasty, hymenoplasty, transgender surgery with vaginoplasty (Male-Female) and phalloplasty (Female-Male).