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Madcam Publishing

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Madcam Publishing was founded by Brian Brewer, a 6-Year vete

Madcam Publishing
3 years ago - 20 likes

Did you know I'm Launching an Affiliate Marketing Course in January?
🀫I will be revealing my biggest secrets that helped me become one of the Top Affiliates for one of the Hottest Programs in 2020. Guess what...
You can actually get FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to the course if you PRE-REGISTER Today.

Here's the link πŸ‘‰

πŸ™ All I ask is that you leave a like on this post and comment "Affiliate Marketing in 2021" so we can increase engagement on this post and let as many people as possible know about this Potentially Life Changing Opportunity.

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 4 likes

My first $10,000 month in affiliate marketing came directly from the strategy I detail in this video.
🎁 Plus, towards the end I show you how you can white-label my courses for free so you can start giving them away ASAP with your affiliate links embedded inside. It's pretty brilliant and by far the fastest & easiest way to get started with affiliate marketing.
Enjoy the training,

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 0 likes

Is building multiple streams of income a good idea?

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 14 likes


If you follow my channel, you already know I'm a BIG FAN of the affiliate marketing model...but guess what...

🚨As a new affiliate marketer, you are probably not going to make $5,016.11 in your first 30 days (Shocker Right)

However, with effort applied to the right plan, you can make affiliate marketing work for you. There is no secret. Just the willingness to apply a consistent effort.

This screenshot is from the newest affiliate program that I'm promoting.
Did I hit $5k in my first month? Nope.
However, I kept following my proven system and once again...success. πŸ›‘ Next stop $10K.

...Here's all you need.

1). A funnel - A way to capture leads, pre-sell, and follow up with leads until they buy.

2). Free Targeted Traffic - This keeps your funnel full and the income increasing.

...If I let you copy all of my affiliate marketing funnels and showed you my exact strategy for getting free targeted traffic (I call it the ABC Content Funnel)...would you be interested?

What if I gave all that to you for Free? Would that be cool?

Well, here you go:
There is nothing for sale here. No up-sells. Just everything you need to make your side hustle come alive.

All that I ask is you drop a like on this post and maybe leave a comment so that we can help as many people as possible get this incredible head start.


Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 1 likes

I want to thank Jamar Jones with β€ͺ@Digital_Escape‬ for spending an hour with me today. Jamar became on of the newest members of the YouTube 1000 Subscriber club...
You already know that YouTube can change your life...
If you are just getting started, I think you will gain a tremendous amount of insight from hearing what it takes, straight from someone like Jamar who was starting at zero not too long ago.
(I know I learned a couple of things)
The opportunity is REAL and ANYONE CAN DO IT!!!
Enjoy and Check Out Jamar's Channel if you want to make more money online.

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 25 likes

If I can share a pic of me wearing these stupid sunglasses to 75,000 can start a YouTube channel to grow your business. #facts

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 18 likes


☝️ I'll call these the 6 C's of Affiliate Marketing. And these 6 C's are specifically related to the affiliate marketing strategy I use...

Look for programs that pay higher commissions. In general, it is way easier to earn 10 - $100 commissions that it is to earn 100 - $10 commissions.
This is where a lot of affiliates make their first mistake. Partnering with a proven product that converts is crucial to your success. If the program you partner with isn't doing their job, then you are wasting your time and money. The best way see what's converting is to look at what the top affiliates are promoting.
If we could run Facebook Ads straight to Affiliate Products and profit, we would all be rich (but then affiliate marketing wouldn't exist because companies would simply run ads instead of pay affiliates). So we need a differentiator. And that differentiator (value add) is the content we create. Content can generate leads, nurture leads...or do both. The benefit of generating leads with content is twofold...
Organic Traffic Converts Better Than Paid Traffic
Organic Traffic Doesn't Turn Off. (Passive Income)
Creating content for the purposes of affiliate marketing is easy to do...but it's also easy NOT to do. Content isn't about being the smartest or the best. It's about being relatable and consistent. Consistency in creation is super important...but even more important is consistency in your messaging. Which leads to the 5th C...
You must makes sure that your audience becomes CERTAIN that the solution you are offering (i.e. the affiliate product that you are promoting) is the solution for them. We achieve this by being consistent with our messaging in our content AND consistent in the messaging of our follow up. Meaning C # 6 is...
We have to capture for control. Follow up is key. Direct linking is a NO-NO. If you want to build a business you must capture your leads and continue to message them. Most people do not buy on the first time. We have to continue to follow up and overcome objections. Breaking false or limiting beliefs will help our leads come to the conclusion that it is in their best interest to purchase the product that we are promoting.

Any questions, comments, or confusion?
Anything to add?

Leave a comment πŸ‘

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 9 likes

I'm curious...If you were going to go all in on Affiliate Marketing...
And you had to choose 1 of the following programs to promote as an affiliate...
Which would you choose?

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 27 likes

The creative part is the most terrifying part because you don't know what's going to happen.

At least with something silly like e-commerce it's pretty cut and dry.

You are going to build a store and run an ad...
...then you will either make sales or not. You will either lose money or profit.

That (A) or (B) outcome is reassuring. Either way you will find certainty.

YouTube doesn't offer the comfort of a PASS/FAIL grade. It's organic. It's alive.


...How will my videos perform?
...What will people think?
...What if I mess up?
...Do I know enough?
...Am I smart enough?
...Will I get views?
...Will people subscribe?
...What if I say something stupid?


Is that really what you are going to let stop you from creating a business that you can be proud of?
Is that really what you are going to let stand between you and the impact that you are intended to make?
Is that really what you are going to let keep you from your dream life?


Fact: People are too worried about what people are thinking about them to give a crap about you.

However, people do need a leader...
People need to be inspired...
People need to be shown the light...
...and there is an audience out there waiting for you to find your voice.

Yet, they will not wait forever, because they can't.

What are you waiting for? YouTube has broken down all barriers. With just the phone in your pocket you can bring your message to billions.

That is the REAL opportunity of the internet. Are you going to piss that opportunity away?

I ain't often right
But I've never been wrong
It seldom turns out the way
It does in the song
Once in a while
You get shown the light
In the strangest of places
If you look at it right

-Robert Hunter (Grateful Dead)

Madcam Publishing
4 years ago - 6 likes

In uncertain times...
There are those that WAIT...
And those who CREATE
p.s. That image is of a drawing by Paul Cadden. You can find another one of his works in some of my videos.
p.p.s. That's right, I said drawing...not photograph