Welcome! I am 15 years young. I love pizza 🍕. I love video games. That is why my channel is named Gabers Animation. Gabe + Gamer = Gaber. It’s word math. Other nicknames include: Gabe, Gabers, Gai, Ani. Please don’t call me late for dinner. I enjoy Stop motion. Edbound is a major inspiration and I strive to be like him one day. Other inspirations include but are not limited to: PELOKETCHUP, LegoPeaceEz ,Shadow Ninja ,Brick Legacy Ninja, paperbag productions, Brickfilm Day, ForrestFire101, Linkinpop13 ,RestInPiecesProductions, Minty Bricks, Spinjitzu Master Falcon, Finntastic Productions, Comindo, C LEGO Films, MikeRM Productions, BrixFlix, TheLeoLegendary10, Dang IT Productions, Symbiote Stop Motions, Ezequiel Studios, WarTV14, Orca Studios, Loft Studios, Ninja Of Wind. (and much much more)
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