Hai! It's me Lakmini from Sri Lanka. 🇱🇰
I'm a penpaller and also post crosser and here I'll show how to make & decor penpal letters and postcards in different themes, the accessional stationary haul and more fun things to come.
Also, I do travel vlogs too because I love to travel. So, I invite you to join with my journey ❤️.
If you want to send me a letter fill the bellow form. Sure, I'll reply for all your mails. I'll be opening these letters in videos. If you do not wish that let me know.
if you have a crafty YouTube channel or Instagram, I'll gladly promote you in the video while opening your letters.
Thank you for visiting.
Links: -
Penpaling form: www.thepenpalinggirl.thisuladevelopment.com
My Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/lakmini_._bandara/
My penpaling Instagram Account: www.instagram.com/the_penpal_girl/