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Esclavo de la verdad y dueño de la razón. Apasionado del mu

Quieres que te crezcan los isquios? Aquí te dejo unos tips para sacarle el máximo jugo a estos😆😆 Peace, happiness, clarity, gratefulness, fulfilling... So many things that the gym transmits to me This should be all your motivation. #workhard #discipline #stayfocused #stayhard #keepworking #grow Training is the best part...#gymmotivation #trainingmotivation #diet #nutrition #traininghard The 2 daily hours of disconnection from the whole world.#gymtherapy #therapy #disconnection #calm There is always a little bit more in us...#tomplatz #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #intensity I was born in the wrong generation. #fidelity #honesty #truth #love #truelove #milenial #generationz I don't care if the gym is on fire, is chest day. #noexcuses #gymmotivation #gymhumor #gotothegym The mentality of a G.O.A.T. #tomplatz #goat #intensity #sacrifice #dedication #hardwork #stayfocused Paciencia y cabeza, no hace falta más.#paciencia #patience #consistency #cabeza #selfimprovement Now is time for strong men.#selfimprovement #strong #hardtimes #strongman #strongmen #strongbody La cosas han cambiado mucho este último año... #change #thingschange #mentalidad #mentality #stoic Such an inspiration this guy @lexx.little #goals #gymmotivation #happiness #fitnessmotivation The darkest places are also where there is more growth.#dark #darkness #davidgoggins #stayhard Hay que cosas a las que es mejor nunca arrimarse. #limits #límites #healthylife #desarrollopersonal Now looking at everything from an optimistic perspective is the only way #liberty #idontcare #free Dr Jordan Peterson said it.#jordanpeterson #personaldevelopment #growth #desarrollopersonal #grow We don't realize the progress we've made until we look back. #glowup #bodytransformation #progress Nosotros entendemos porqué si pasa... #nodaysoff #consistency #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation We all have 24 hours a day...#noexcuses #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #culturismo #bodybuilding Do It for your future self, he will thank you.#personaldevelopment #desarrollopersonal #keepgoing Si no fuera por él esto no estaría pasando... #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #trainingmotivation Your only competitor is your own head #youvsyou #dontcompare #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #keepfocused 🫀#gymlover #gymrat #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslifestyle #aesthetic #bodybuilding We keep working. #gymmotivation #bodybuilding #gymrat #aesthetic #fitnessmotivation #keepgoing Datos objetivos #gymmotivation #bodybuilding #hardtraining #aesthetic #workhard #gymrat #gymlover En qué estás pensando... #gymmotivation #bodybuilding #culturismo #aesthetic #model #gymrat #gymlife This sh*t ain't for me. #escapetheratrace #gymmotivation #gymrat #bodybuilding #aesthetic #gymlover Los gymbros no pierden🤷#gymmotivation #gym #gymrat #fitnessaddict #gymlife #physique #bodybuilding Different mindset🧠#differentmindset #progress #glowup #transformation #bodytransformation #gymrat Things change so quick... #gymmotivation #gym #fitnesslifestyle #bodybuilding #aesthetic #progress Todo ha cambiado. #growth #consistency #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #patience #glowup #progress I don't know, but I will. #keepfocused #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #keepgoing #workharder Paciencia, lo bueno toma tiempo.#fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #paciencia #greatthings #patient My man. @mochuapower#gymmotivation #thankful #agradecido #bodybuilding #aesthetic #powerlifting PROVE THEM WRONG.#showthem #shutthemup #workharder#trainhard #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation much more than just a handful of steel in a room.#bodybuilding #gymrat #gympassion #fitnessaddict Sigue así hermano 🔱 #progress #gymmotivation #gymrat #glowup #bodytransformation #fitnessmotivation 1%📈 #onepercent #different #focused #gymmotivation #fitness #bodybuilding #culturismo #gym #gymrat Think in the long term. #delayedgratification #longterm #longtermthinking #workhard #stayfocused Doing nothing is a choice. #choose #gymmotivation #gymrat #gymlover #growth #aesthetic #bodybuilding now it's your choice. #onedayordayone #takecontrolofyourlife #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” Patience and consistency, the only 2 things you need.#patience #consistency #paciencia #persistencia Habits🧠 #habits #atomichabits #healthyhabits #habitossaludables #selfdiscipline #disciplina Si realmente es lo que quieres, nada te impide no luchar por conseguirlo. #sueños #trabajoduro #gym Be unrealistically realistic @Hamza97 #gymmotivation #chaseyourdreams #dontbeafraid #keepgoing How we clear our minds 🔱#gymaddict #gymrat #gymmotivation #bodybuilding#aesthetic #fitnessmotivation