Sadhguru has come into our lives and in this world to help us learn or more so remember fundamental truths about life and existence. His mystical technology called yoga, which is also yours and mine, is pure and simple as well as profound and all-encompassing. He is a man, a mystic, and a visionary with a simple goal – to raise every human being to the peak of their potential, so that they are exuberant, all-inclusive, and in harmony within themselves and the world.
The mission of this channel is to help spread Sadhguru’s wisdom and make it accessible to as many people as possible. Here you can find Sadhguru talks, interviews, chants, kriyas, yoga and meditation videos, as well as Sadhguru’s insight on important topics in life.
If you have comments, ideas, or opinions please feel free to share them below. If you like what you see and hear or if it touches you and gives you an insight, please like, comment, and subscribe! Let’s spread this wisdom!
Namaste and enjoy :)