Hello, my channel only started as a place to save some songs changed by me and not lose the same changes that I had made (Remixes and Time Extensions) and sometimes I lost them and had to do it all over again, saved here on Youtube when I want to hear them they are here and I don't run the risk of losing them again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm just a music enthusiast and not a professional in the music business, sometimes I do some remixes and extensions of songs because I think these same songs are too short for the quality they have and I want to listen to them longer without having to go back to the beginning of the music and find that they are more to my liking.
My channel is a non-monetized channel and serves only to promote bands and the music created by these same bands and as a way of thanking the authors for having produced these works of art that give us so much pleasure to hear.