Just watch..
In a past encarnation ,i Was "Moondogzzz"i got Banned for Ufo and Chemtrail Footage.recorded on now defunct Yukon night vision I now Use Yashica 4k
Digital and analog night vision And have captured 100,s of hours of footage of UFOs/ Orbs / Ovni..(In the Chemclouds) set to:
Crazy British Psychedelic ,Rock ,Funk, Techno ,Blues, fusion ,Criticaly Acclaimed ,Music reviewed andFeatured on The Cover cd as "The Outer Limits" on The Mix uk Technology Music magazine , The Future Music Magazine ,Computer Music mag ,and more.
and as"The Outer Limits" Several top songs eg number 1 tracks..2 top songs and a few lower Charting tracks .all top 5s though.
Join my face book group The Chemtrail Awareness group for more info and Videos that will blow you away..