Hi, I am the (Head) of Battle Axe Global Gaming Team/Community so far that consist of (Cryptic_Kitty96), (BAXGG DeviL) and myself (Anonj777). I am very shy but very competitive if i get good at a specific game. I have competed in a few tournaments in the past for for a few games mainly Call Of Duty games dating all the back to Modern Warfare 2, I currently compete in Apex Legends tournaments but for sure one day will compete in many other FPS game. I you enjoy mine and my team/community's content a Like and Subscribe would be very appreciated. if you want to catch me and everyone play go follow us on our Live Stream channels on Twitch.tv mine is (anonj_777). If you want to help improve the quality of our content we all have our own Donation Links on our Twitch channels about section.