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In-depth character-driven video game reviews.

1 year ago - 32 likes

Goddammit. I'd forgotten to publish the subtitles to the Ultima VI video. The sad part is that I had finished them an hour before the video went live... and then just forgot to click them into existence -_- Needless to say, they are up now, but damn, Seal is going to be mad about that one (^_^')

1 year ago - 26 likes

Hi, everyone! Believe it or not, I have finished the Ultima VI video! It will be uploaded tomorrow at the exact same hour this post has been uploaded today. Hope to see you there!

1 year ago - 35 likes

Hi, everyone! I’m happy to announce that tomorrow (at this exact time) the Ultima V video will finally be uploaded. I’ve put a LOT of effort into this one, but really glad with how it turned out. Hope you’ll like it too!

Oh, and it’ll also have English subtitles available. Let me know what you think of them!

2 years ago - 8 likes

Welp... I guess now Australia and New Zealand don't have access to my Dune video due to a copyright claim. The video (as far as I can tell) is still unmonetized (so no ads) in other countries, mercifully... But it's still a bummer :\ I tried all I could to avoid getting unjustly claimed with editing clips under 10 seconds each, but alas it was not enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2 years ago - 15 likes

Hi! So Youtube – out of nowhere – has decided to give me access to the community tab… Which is actually a neat coincidence, since today’s video (which I will upload exactly 5 hours from now) is going to be a little different to the usual stuff I put out. Don’t worry though! Both Ultima and SQ marathons are still on-going (in fact SQ3 video might be completed a month from now on). I just got really inspired to try and make something a bit different (in fact, I’d wanted to make this video for a while now), especially considering that you guys seemed to like the thematic analysis part of Ultima IV video… But anyway, you’ll see what it is :) Hope you like it!
And I hope you have a nice day too! ^_^