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Rowena Bicaldo

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Rowena Bicaldo
1 day ago - 12 likes

July 13, 2024: Saturday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of God rests upon you.

Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed.
Gospel | Matthew 10:24-33

"Dear Jesus,
help me to open my life to the transforming power of Your love and the grace of the Holy Spirit. You know what are my fears and dark secrets that hinders me from following You. I lift them all up to You and I surrender them in Your able arms. I have more in You than the world can offer me.

Shine your light in every hidden and painful areas in my life so I may experience true freedom. I believe Your words are true and I run to You when I find myself in trouble. Today, give me the grace to trust You more and may Your Truth release me from the darkness of my secret sins. Amen."

St. Henry II,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
2 days ago - 12 likes

July 12, 2024: Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

When the Spirit of truth comes,
he will guide you to all truth and remind you of all I told you.

I Am Sending You Like Sheep in the Midst of Wolves
Gospel | Matthew 10:16-23

"Dear Jesus,
I know that many times, faithfulness to Gospel values may mean living a "counter-culture." The risk of being ridiculed, misunderstood and marginalized is always present. To simply live as a good Christian is not that simple and requires extraordinary faith.

I pray for the great gift of being both wise and innocent at the same time. I ask for the grace to give unconditional love, to be a channel of forgiveness and peace, to be merciful even to those inimical to me. May You fulfill every purpose You have for my life. Amen."

St. John Jones, priest and martyr,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
3 days ago - 12 likes

July 10, 2024: Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

The Kingdom of God is at hand:
repent and believe in the Gospel.

Jesus Sent Out His Twelve Disciples
Gospel | Matthew 10:1-7

"Lord Jesus,
the twelve apostles had a prominent role in Your ministry but countless others enabled the work to happen. These are the many women who either joined or provided resources for the mission to be accomplished. They were devoted and faithful even after Your death.

Today I pray for all the women of the world who are homemakers, caregivers, leaders and mission workers as they continue to provide wisdom, insight and dedication to a much wounded world. Take care of them, Lord, because we need them more than men are able to understand. Amen."

Saint Amalberga,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
4 days ago - 12 likes

July 9, 2024: Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my sheep, and mine know me.

Abandoned Like Sheep Without a Shepherd
Gospel | Matthew 9:32-38

"Heavenly Father,
help me to rise above my self-centerdness that confines and narrows me, to rise above my self-righteousness which chains my heart and my mind to grow to be like the heart and mind of Jesus.

Give me the grace to open the ears of my heart so I can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, to follow Him and be lavishly loved and embraced in the care of His sheepfold. Grant me, too, the grace to die to myself as I serve those You’ve placed under my care. Amen."

St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
5 days ago - 12 likes

July 8, 2024: Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.

Courage, Your Faith Has Saved You
Gospel | Matthew 9:18-26

"Dear Lord Jesus,
You relate wonderfully to me about people who have faith. You show me that faith establishes a strong relationship between You and me and Your power flows to me when I truly believe in You. You have a deep desire to heal what ails me so I can truly feel my significance to You.

Today, I touch Your cloak through my heart and I feel You touch me back to heal me from some physical or spiritual suffering that has become a permanent fixture in my life. I believe that there is no limit to the healing and renewal which You can accomplish in my life. Make me whole, O Lord. Amen."

Saint Withburga,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
6 days ago - 12 likes

July 7, 2024: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor.

A Prophet is Not Without Honor Except in His Native Place
Gospel | Mark 6:1-6

"Dear Jesus,
grant me the grace to rejoice in the gifts and talents that God has given to others. May I not see them as competition for the attention of those around me. Help me not to think that nothing much can come from them.

Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have not listened to the people with Your good news and instead have judged them by association, by their families, hometown or profession. Help me to accept the messengers of Your word regardless of how they look or how I know them. Amen."

Blessed Maria Romero Meneses,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
1 week ago - 12 likes

July 6, 2024: Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me

New Wine in Old Wineskins
Gospel | Matthew 9:14-17

"Lord Jesus,
real change is never easy and I often try to evade it by changing only my external appearance. I look at my heart to see where I need to change, and ask for the grace to be brave and bold enough to do so. No matter how teared up I am, You are always there and ready to patch me up.

Today, I pray that You renew your Spirit within me, so that I may always possess the new wine of your Good News and share it generously with others. Help me discard my old ways and create in my heart a new wineskin so that I may hold the freshness of a new start and the power of Your word in my life. Amen."

St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
1 week ago - 12 likes

July 5, 2024: Friday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest, says the Lord.

I Did Not Come to Call the Righteous But Sinners
Gospel | Matthew 9:9-13

"Lord Jesus,
You love and accept me no matter how sinful I am. Your only desire for me is to always give mercy more than sacrifice. You have come for all people, without exception, especially for the weak and the vulnerable, the sick and the sinner. You look at the heart and not at the appearance of a man.

Grant me the grace to never forget to love, to be compassionate, to accept and respect other people whoever they are. Annoint my heart to give mercy, which is deeper than forgiveness because mercy recognizes the deeper goodness in people, despite of what they have done. Amen."

St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria,
pray for us

Rowena Bicaldo
1 week ago - 12 likes

July 4, 2024: Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

Rise, Pick Up Your Stretcher and Go Home
Gospel | Matthew 9:1-8

"Lord Jesus,
please grant my heart to see my sins and to acknowledge the consequences they impose upon me. I know that You desire to free me from these burdens and to heal them at the source. In Your mercy, teach me how to increase my faith in every paralyzing trial that I face.

In this time of prayer, I ask for liberty from what binds me and brings before You my desire for wholeness. I am reminded that faith is not just a matter of my convictions but is expressed in how I live. I know that the healing I ask will come when I'm ready to receive it because Your timing is always perfect. Amen."

St. Elizabeth of Portugal,
pray for us.

Rowena Bicaldo
1 week ago - 13 likes

July 3, 2024: Wednesday, Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle

You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me, says the Lord; blessed are those who have not seen, but still, believe!

Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Have Believed
Gospel | John 20:24-29

"Dear Lord Jesus,
allow me to consider myself included to those who β€œhave not seen and yet have come to believe”. I linger in Your loving look, letting the smile of Your blessing invite me to a deeper love and trust. I believe that God is the source of everything and I believe in the greatness of His reign.

I thank You for this gift of faith that allows me to see beyond myΒ  human belief. I put my life in Your hands and acknowledge Your true place in my heart. I stand in awe in Your presence as my soul joyfully proclaims You are my Lord and my God in all areas of my life. Amen."

Saint Thomas, Apostle,
pray for us. Β