Wood Boss Firewood Muskoka Almaguin offers Kiln Dried Firewood , Green Firewood and Campfirewood for sale in Muskoka Ontario and in the Almaguin Highlands. You will receive a mixture of hardwood in your order including birch, cherry, beech, maple, oak and ash. Wood Boss Firewood delivers to #Bracebridge #Huntsville #Baysville #Windermere #Gravenhurst #Torrance #Bala #GlenOrchard #Mactier #Humphrey #Rosseau #PortSydney #Raymond #ParrySound #Hurdville #McKellar #Orrville #Sprucedale #Novar #Kearney #Katrine #BurksFalls #Emsdale #TroutCreek #SouthRiver #Magnetawan #Sundridge #Dunchurch #Whitestone #Ardbeg #Dwight #Dorset #PortCarling #AlmaguinHighlands #Strong #Commanda #Restoule #Astorville and #Powassan #Ontario . Wood Boss Firewood is fully insured and a proud member of The Muskoka Lakes Chamber Of Commerce. #muskoka #firewood #kilndriedfirewood #greenfirewood #campfirewood #bonfire #almaguinhighlands #almaguin