I covered the Best Indian Shoes Brand With 150+Stores and also mentioned Calcetto Shoes Review. Calcetto was established in 2010.
After gaining extensive experience in the footwear segment since 1980, Vision Shoes Company stepped into the industry in the year 2010 and has successfully paved its way into the 21st-century footwear brand by the name “Calcetto”.
Calcetto aims to offer comfort, style and the best fit to your feet. Calcetto can help you dress your feet to empowerment & adventures, now take them to the roads of your choice, let your spirit soar high!
By using high-end machinery and world-class technology for production, Calcetto has come a long way in designing and outsourcing a large variety of footwear ranging from casuals, walking, running shoes and so on for all age groups. Each footwear is crafted with immense thought and is a result of our highly experienced workmanship.
Soon you will see some Calcetto shoes reviews on my channel
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