Popular Mega Motors India Private Limited is part of the multi-million Popular Kuttukaran Group. Founded by late Sri K.P Paul popularly known as Pyleattan, the group had its beginning in the early 1940 as an entrepreneurial venture in the Automobile Spare parts business. Over the years, the group ventured in to expanding its territories beyond Spare parts dealership and diversified into vehicle dealership and service. The reputation and goodwill in the spares market gave the required acceleration for the group to grow fast in the new ventures and reach the top most position in India. Established in 1997 to handle TATA Commercial Vehicles Dealership in Kerala and Chennai, the company has 10 show rooms, 23 customer touch points, and 21 service centers. The company is also distributors for genuine TATA CV parts in whole of Kerala.
Web site:- Company : www.populartata.com/ | Group : www.kuttukaran.in/