We the devotees of Shri Shivasubramaniyar which is located in old b block marikuppam KGF.
Take this opportunity to showcase various celebrations perfomed at Shri Shivasubramaniyar alayam.
As our fathers are also the pure devotees of lord Murugan and served many years for the temple and still continuing the worships and their unconditional devotion towards lord Murugan from murugan blessings and our fathers blessing
We started this channel to show the traditional worships perfomed in the temple and seek the blessings of Shri Shivasubramaniyar.
And we also take this opportunity to showcase various other temples and festivals chariots, pallaki, karagam etc to the devotees who all miss the events physically
But can visualise the devotional worships and celebrations through this platform of YouTube channel.
And our sincere thanks to all the subscribers and supporters