A channel about life as it happens. Private and Business!
I love life, the outdoors, enjoy travelling, share experiences and knowledge. I love to talk to folks. Now we have the ability to make and share videos and that is a whole new world. I can share things I like, I don't like, things I know, places where I am or was before or even will go. Be it to cook, learn about German culture or anything about Germany. Travelling is a passion for as long as I can remember. First with my family then on my own and with friends. Finally with my wife. Nothing like getting info and tips about cruising, camping, hotels + more. I am aware that there are endless videos already made. But there is always something new. I publish my own videos and CREATIVE COMMONS VIDEOS! Note: Creative Commons Videos are Documented as that. Cruise Agent, Affiliate Marketer, Real Estate Liaison. FUN IS THE MAIN GOAL.
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