in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Most of the Lesser Sandhill Cranes in Homer, Alaska are on their way to their wintering grounds in Central California around Sacramento. Some family groups are still in town, but the majority have. One family has a colt with a short neck. We don't know yet if it will be able to leave on migration with its parents. But if it does, we want folks to watch for it. Check out this video: If sighted, send your report to
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Alaska Extra is one channel that features an odd collection of topics not likely to be found together on any other channel. Here you will find ideas for enriching the lives of pet alpacas, information about Sandhill Cranes in Homer Alaska, slide videos of remote Alaska wilderness areas from the Aleutians to glacial rivers, features from an Alaskan juggler and stand up comic, and a variety of miscellaneous videos on many unrelated topics.