Hi, I'm I.Saidoff
Welcome to my YouTube channel!
In this channel, you will be given various information, guides, textbooks and news related to the field of design.
I will try to save you time and ensure that you get more information.
This channel will give you tutorials on:
► Photoshop
► Illustrator
► Figma
► Lightroom
► XD
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Thanks to everyone who supported us!
Salom men I.Saidoff
Mening Youtube kanalimga hush kelibsiz!
Bu kanal orqali sizga dizayn sohasiga oid turli ma'lumotlar,qo'llanmalar,darsliklar va yangiliklar berib boriladi.
Men sizning vaqtingizni tejashga va ko'proq ma'lumot olishingizni ta'minlashga harakat qilaman.
Bu kanal sizga quyidagilardan darsliklar berib boradi:
► Photoshop
► Illustrator
► Figma
► Lightroom
► XD
Kanalga a'zo bo'ling
Comment yozing va albatta like bosib qo'yish esdan chiqmasin
Bizni qo'llab-quvvatlagan barchaga raxmat!