I make Try Not To Laugh compilations, not nearly as often as I'd like to. I try to go for quality videos, not quantity as some other YouTubers do. Instead of pushing out a lot of mediocre Try Not To Laughs, I try to put out ones with higher quality clips instead. So sorry for the long delays between videos!
I started making these originally for my family because I was tired of watching Try Not To Laugh videos that only had a couple good clips and the rest weren't funny at all. I decided to make my own, searching the deep, dark, corners of YouTube for clips I thought were truly funny and put them all together, so enjoy!
I don't know how this channel got so many views lol
At the moment I'm not accepting any brand deals on this channel. I don't want sponsorships or anything on my compilation videos, I feel like that ruins them. If you want to partner I'd be willing to do brand deals on my second channel, but not this one.