Hello. Wrecca here. I love to create new worlds. This is one of them.
I'll be exploring human health and our Mother nature's health as close as I can guess our ancestors did. I will be reviving ancient crafts, exploring and researching the different objects and goods our ancestors used in their daily lives. Also I'll be diving into esoteric spiritual arts of old. Genetically I'm almost mostly Proto-Indo-European and especially Germanic or Proto-Germanic so I'll be hitting P.G. pretty hard but the only real scripture we have of these people is Old Norse and Vedic literature so I'll be relying heavily on these points of research.
My goal is to dive into this ancient lifestyle with the intention of self improvement and World improvement while documenting all of it here on YouTube. Our current lifestyle as modern humans is headed for disaster as we all know but I think we can learn from our ancients so I choose to start Living Ancient and I hope you'll join me.