美佛寺(American Buddhist Fellowship)是根據美國的慈善法,由加州政府注冊,美國IRS國税局批準成立的非營利佛教正信組織。寺務以法會共修、學佛講座、僧伽培養、臨終關懷、急難救助、公益助學等為主。
American Buddhist Fellowship (known as Meifo Temple, Initials A.B.F.) is a non-profit Buddhist organization established in 2009. Our mission is to provide Buddhist services to local and national communities, ranging from monk training, dharma talk, counseling, funeral service, hospice care, disaster relief and others social welfare activities.
本寺地址 Our Address:
1032 S 1st St.
Alhambra, CA, 91801 USA