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Wild We Roam

345K subscribers - no pronouns set

We are on a mission to live creatively and explore this beau

Wild We Roam
1 year ago - 94 likes

The Bluetti AC180 is finally available! Grab one now: And, use our code WildAC180 for 20% off after June 14th!

PS the move into the shipping container is going well! We’re trying to find balance between construction and enjoying the summer weather. The heat is getting a little intense by mid day but nothing a cold bath can’t cure!

Hope you’re having a great week ❤️

Wild We Roam
1 year ago - 12 likes

Hi Friends! We don't have a video to upload today, so I thought I'd share this behind-the-scenes video we shared with our Patreon family earlier this week that shows SO much shipping container progress :)

Every week we upload a BTS video there or a podcast. We also do monthly Zoom calls to hang out and get to know everyone's passions and creative goals! If you want to join us there, we'd love to have you -

Hope you're having a great start to March, and talk to you soon :)

Big hugs,

Wild We Roam
2 years ago - 2.4K likes

Hi Friends,

First off, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your love and kindness towards us and our little baby, Max. That first week in the NICU was pretty scary for all of us, but we're so grateful for the care he received and that he recovered so quickly. Max is safely home and is thriving as he gets to enjoy the good life at home :) We are completely in love and he is the most peaceful baby. He is breathing great, gained a whole pound in a week, and we are feeling so much gratitude for life right now. New parenthood definitely has its ups and downs, but we are soaking it all in and very, very grateful to have the support of family and friends nearby.

Still not sure when we'll have a video up on the channel again, but Lou is hard at work filming something really magical as I write this to you, but it most likely will be a couple more weeks, maybe even a month.

We appreciate your patience so much and just want to say a special hello to all the other new parents out there - you got this!!!

Sending all our love,

Wild We Roam
2 years ago - 3K likes

Hi friends,

We just wanted to check in and let you know our baby was born a few days ago!!! The home birth was a beautiful, intense, experience, but sadly right afterwords he had trouble getting oxygen so we had to be evacuated to the nearest NICU where we have been all week. We still aren’t sure entirely what the problem was, possibly respiratory distress syndrome, but in any case he is making a full strong recovery and we hope to be back at home with him in the coming week : ) it’s going to be a little while until we have more videos coming out here. Thank you all so much for the support and love!

A big hug,

ps also, wanted to let you know that Dana is recovering great and is so looking forward to bringing her baby home!

Wild We Roam
2 years ago - 2K likes

Hi Friends,

I just wanted to let you know our upload schedule is going to change a little bit for the next few months. Tomorrow there won't be a video as we're switching gears to get ready for the baby (who should be here any day, but also could be two weeks depending on his timing!) and Lou is working on a big project that he's trying to get done before our son's arrival.

After a lot of discussions, we've decided our goal is to upload two videos a month for May, June, and July instead of our normal every Sunday. This will allow me a maternity leave and allow Lou to take care of us and also film/edit but in a more realistic timeframe.

We have so many exciting plans for the channel for the rest of the year and can't wait to share this next chapter with you, but also know this is going to be a really magical and precious time for our family that we want to be as present as we can. Nothing is set in stone though so if we feel up for making more videos we definitely will :)

Thanks so much for all your love and support during this pregnancy and to everyone who purchased our new cookbook, Roots, I am so grateful! I hope that you're enjoying the recipes and all the silly stories.

Big hugs,

Wild We Roam
2 years ago - 801 likes

Just wanted to let you know that we won't be uploading today :( Our landlord's generator broke earlier this week and we've been battling major power issues ever since. Living in the jungle off-grid in the midst of the rainy season means the solar panels are doing their normal thing and the generator is a necessary backup for the system he has for our property. Luckily though a new generator has been purchased and fingers crossed we can get this week's video up ASAP! thanks so much for your patience!!

big hugs,

ps today is Lou and my 5 year wedding anniversary!!!!

Wild We Roam
2 years ago - 2.5K likes

Sometimes life grabs you and starts moving a mile a minute. You think it’s just going to be a 2 week sprint and then things will calm down, but then somehow you find yourself in an unexpected marathon. It will calm down soon. The to-do list that's growing and growing, well, you’ll get to it before you know it. Well, in the case of Lou and my summer, somehow the two week metaphorical sprint to get everything ready for our big adventure has meant we’ve been away from YouTube for over two months now.

We miss you all so much and are so grateful for your patience and kindness as it has been the most intense 60 days of our life. But somehow we’ve made it to the other side and can feel life calming down, in the best way possible. We have so much to tell you and so much footage to share with you.

Unfortunately, we ran into some massive computer and wind/solar power problems which made editing impossible. However, Lou got a new laptop yesterday, got his hard drives up and running today, so that means we have this photo for you, and (even more exciting), we are finally editing again after what feels like forever. It’s probably going to be a couple more weeks until we get back to regular uploading, but keeping our fingers crossed it’s sooner rather than later. Thank you so much for all your patience and support. We cannot wait to start sharing videos with you again :)

Big hugs,
Dana (& Lou)

Wild We Roam
3 years ago - 803 likes

Hello Friends!

We hope you're having a lovely holiday season all things considered. Just wanted to let you know that we won't be able to get a video up today like normal. We took a few days away from the computer to celebrate Christmas, which pushed back our editing schedule, but we'll be back to normal programming soon!!

Big hugs,
Dana (& Lou)

Wild We Roam
3 years ago - 490 likes

Hi Friends!!!

How are you doing?? I just wanted to let you know that we won't be posting a video today :( But we will be back to normal programming with a special Thanksgiving Feast edition next Tuesday :)

Big hugs,

Wild We Roam
5 years ago - 71 likes

We did it!! Inktober is done and I cannot believe we actually made 15 videos in October. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support on our channel these past few weeks. I’ve read every comment and feel so grateful that I get to share my artistic journey with such supportive and inspiring people like yourself. Hope you enjoy the last video