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सभी कामों में 100% Risk होता है आप अपना खुद का Research जरूर करें, किसी भी तरह का Profit या Loss के लिये Investor Bano जिमेदार नही है ।
Who is Investor Bano
1.My Name Dhruav kumar
2. MBA in Finance and Marketing
3.Youtuber Investor Bano
4.B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering
5.Financial Management expert
6.Expert in Share Market
7.Invest Consultant and Profi Investor
8.Gmail id dk9975094@gmail.com
9.6Years Experience in INTERNATIONAL MARKETS
अधिक जानकारी के लिये
टेलीग्राम G
What to Expect:-
√ Latest Updates on Share Market
√Up to the minute news on Upcoming IPOs
√Crypto Market
√New Opportunity
√New Business
√Portfolio Diversification
√Wealth Management
√Cash Market
√Insurance Agent