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TheCrazyEven is here to provide informative and kinda sarcas

5 hours ago - 0 likes

WELL it's been a crazy weekend, TooManyGames was as fun as usual as was walking 26,000 steps around NYC. I hurt.
In the meantime, if you haven't seen the latest CONTROVERSY! yet, here's a reminder! Gonna be a bit before the next one as I'm working on another thing, so stay tuned, and thanks for watching!

1 week ago - 8 likes

Alright, the poll HATH been decided, the next CONTROVERSY! will be up on Wednesday! Just finishing the final render as we speak so we are good to go. Look out for it then!

3 weeks ago - 7 likes

Peeping this one again in case y'all haven't seen it and to say I'm in the process of writing the next episode, and am wanting to get it out by months end, specifically before TMG.
If not, first week of July. LOOK OUT FOR IT.

1 month ago - 7 likes

look out for new controversy by the end of this week, likely by the end of this month

1 month ago - 12 likes

happy 15th anniversary to the channel itself, new controversy being edited as we speak.

2 months ago - 8 likes

Hewwo folks and folksettes, I am here to tell you all (yess, YOU ALL) that a new controversy is in the works. and maybe a new crazy thoughts too! it'll still be a bit of time before you see either, shooting for May, but i'll let y'all know! here is a hint for the new controversy in particular. If you can guess it correctly, you're a huge nerd! :D

anyone see y'all ina bit love you byeeeeeeee

4 months ago - 15 likes

2023 big video game controvers that I missed will be up tomorrow in the afternoon
thumbnail is not here yet, and i am currently speedrunning a cold with chills (the FUN kind), so have a little speak peek with this image
Look out for it, hope y'all enjoy, and pray for Martha.

4 months ago - 13 likes

Greetings, thanks for the wonderful response for the 10th anniversary vid, y'alls make it worth it.
I even got a shout-out from Storm Dain during his livestream last week, so it was even more worth it!

In other news, the final piece of big ol' content for this month, the pushed back ad nauseum 2023 vid, is about halfway done, should be up next week, aiming for Monday or Tuesday. All presuming this annoying come and go migraine I've had for the last few days doesn't prevent that. I don't think this is the cause but it certainly ain't helping. God I need a break.

One last thing, I will be slowly moving away from Twitter and making Bluesky my new hub, so if you're interested in hearing my ramblings, updates for new vids, or to see that site become a cesspool in realtime, as well, now that it's open to the public, you can find me heeeeeeere!

Thanks again for the support, hope your 2024 is going well so far, and as always I'll see y'all later

5 months ago - 20 likes

Alrighty, hello again, hope you're all enjoying the 31 days funtimes, but we are encroaching upon the 10 years of CONTROVERSY! anniversary and to celebrate, we have a new episode of CONTROVERSY! coming out at the end of the week,


another one after next week, potentially on the very day itself! Exciting times!

Now, this anniversary episode isn't going to be anything super big or long time coming, gonna be a low key retrospective. And after that, I will have the 2023 controversies I missed video out later in the month, if not the following week. In case you're wondering why that's taken so long, it's not been a very fun one to write and for a VARIETY of reasons.

Regardless, we are celebrating the show's 10th anniversary one way or another, hell or high water, no further delays or excuses, we are almost there! A very special pre-anniversary thanks to all who's been watching all this time, those who hopped on the train halfway through, or even newcomers! It has been tons of fun!

5 months ago - 14 likes

ok uhhh so quick update. i know i said i wouldn't be pushing the 31 days of controversy vids to the sub feed, but then i remembered we're fucking celebrating the tenth anniversary of controversy so why shouldn't we be pushing that out. SO I'M DOING IT, YOU CAN'T STOP ME. 10 YEARS BABY. I'M A MAN, I'M 40.
(also some folks were asking why it's not in the sub feed so yeah, just blame my indecisive ass for this one)
in other good news, new script be done so you'll be eating newer content sooner than you think. this is a warning. happy 10 years folks, also rip knuckies