Welcome to The LowGUkeChannel. My Low G Ukulele lessons are aimed at intermediate and advanced ukulele players who want to bring their Ukulele playing to the next level.
Most ukulele players are not aware that fitting a standard Ukulele with a Low G String turns the instrument into a 4-string guitar. So not only do I teach Ukulele players new skills, there's a great opportunity here for guitar players to take up a new fun instrument.
My videos teach playing technique and song lessons for classic pop and rock hits. It’s surprising and fun to think that a Low G Ukulele can sound so real.
I’ve already published lessons for classic hits from The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, U2, The Police, Simon and Garfunkel, ACDC, The Eagles, Eric Clapton and many more. A mixture of acoustic and electric Low G Ukulele sounds.
Welcome to the channel. I’ll introduce you to a new world of Low G Ukulele.
Take Care,