Hi Welcome to my channel where I upload as I learn how to sing.. its embarrassing but I'm trying.
I've never been taught how to sing.. so please excuse my awful techniques, I have very little skills in accordance to music sadly.
I practise when I have time as I am working consistently away from home.. Sorry that I sound horrible.. I’m not a pro.. I just wanna do this for fun and get decently good at it.
You’re welcome to stay tune for my journey of becoming a decent singer.
Please Subscribe, like or dislike.. and comment..
Appreciate it all
I know I am bad.. I’m trying with the time I have..
Helpful feedback would be much appreciated.
My setup isn’t equipped for singing.. so sorry to the “music experts” that may be appalled by the sound quality.
Please bare with me.. I’m currently trying to figure out how to make the covers sound more clear.. still learning along the way