Hello, I'm an ordinary person who enjoys observing the cyber world, particularly the use of the internet as a social media platform, which can be beneficial in spreading balanced news in the worlds of entertainment, gossip, politics, and law. It can also be harmful by disseminating biased news, hoaxes, and other "crazy" ideas that can corrupt minds and mislead others. Balanced opinions are required to correct slanted news that causes people to be easily provoked, to become more introspective, and to realize that there is fake news that can be true when it is actually not true and that there has been a slanting of opinion for certain purposes. Because of this, I hope you will find my sarcastic comments amusing, depending on how you interpret them or how to respond to the attitudes and viewpoints of those who believe they have the right to disseminate the shame of others without providing any evidence and who blab like an asshole instead of reporting his concerns to the police!