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Eddie Pinero

764K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to our motivational hub, where every speech, penned

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Eddie Pinero
Posted 3 weeks ago

šŸŒ„ The other day, as I stood at the edge of the Grand Canyon, staring out into the vast, breathtaking view, I suddenly felt incredibly small. It was a moment that humbled me and reminded me of just how insignificant I am in the grand scheme of things.

šŸ’”But hereā€™s the beautiful paradoxā€”itā€™s in feeling small that we often unlock the potential to do big things.

šŸ¤” Think about it. We spend so much of our lives in these little mental cages, confined by routines, fears, and self-imposed limitations. We play it safe, sticking to what we know because stepping outside that comfort zone feels terrifying. But when you stand in the presence of something as immense as the Grand Canyon, you canā€™t help but confront your fears and realize how inconsequential and small they really are.

The canyon didnā€™t care about my insecurities, my worries, or my self-doubt. It simply exists, timeless and unbothered by the trivialities that so often consume our minds. And in that moment, I felt a powerful feeling of freedomā€”freedom to take risks, to dream big, and to step boldly into life without the fear of failure.

The truth is, nothing is as important as we make it out to be. We are, in many ways, just cogs in the wheel of life, tiny raindrops in a vast thunderstorm. But if you embrace that smallness and let go of the weight of your own importance, you free yourself to create a life bigger and more vibrant than you ever imagined.

šŸ’§That single raindrop you think of yourself as? It has the power to join others, to become part of a flood, a tidal wave of change, creativity, and impact. But first, you have to take the leap. You have to risk it, make the jump, and trust that even if youā€™re just a raindrop, you have the potential to become something so much more.

This week, I challenge you to step outside of your mental cage. Look at the vastness of life and realize that your fears are tiny specks in the big picture. Take the chance and embrace the possibility that comes with feeling small. Youā€™ll discover the boundless potential to create something truly extraordinary.

Wishing you a week filled with bold moves, big dreams, and the courage to step into the vast unknown.

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 1 month ago

The other day, I hit 750,000 subscribers on YouTubeā€”a milestone Iā€™ve been working hard for. My friend Dave sent me a note of congratulations. He reminded me to truly appreciate this moment because, as he put it, ā€œSoon youā€™ll reach one million, and the excitement will wear offā€”so appreciate it now.ā€

Daveā€™s message hit home. It was a reminder to pause, breathe, and savor the moment. It got me thinking about how a few kind words can make a world of difference in someoneā€™s day. We all get caught up in the whirlwind of life, but how often do we take a moment to reach out to others with a little encouragement?

Today, I encourage you to be a ā€œDaveā€ in someoneā€™s life. Send that message, offer those kind words, or simply remind someone to appreciate the journey theyā€™re on. In this fast-paced world, letā€™s be the calm, the encouragement, the reminder to cherish the present.

Wishing you a week filled with connection, kindness, and moments of genuine appreciation. šŸŒŸ

Whatā€™s one thing you can do today to uplift someone in your life? Let me know in the comments!

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 1 month ago

āœØStarting the week with a lesson that changed how I view life, courtesy of Steve Jobs: ā€œYou canā€™t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.ā€Ā 

This idea has been pivotal in my own journey. I never had a clear roadmap, and my path was anything but straight. I started in the corporate world, then ventured into music, storytelling, and public speakingā€”each step felt uncertain, yet each was essential. šŸ“

Life is unpredictable, and thatā€™s where its true beauty lies. We donā€™t always know how things will work out, but we have to trust that they will. Itā€™s in the chaos and the unknown that we find our greatest growth. šŸš€

So as you start your week, remember that everything you need to create the life you want is already within you. Donā€™t be afraid to step off the pre-planned path and into the adventure of the unknown. Embrace the messiness, trust your intuition, and create magic from the chaos.

šŸ’« What dots are you trusting will connect as you move forward? Let me know in the comments.

Wishing you a week filled with trust, adventure, and the courage to embrace the unknown.

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 1 month ago

šŸŒŸ Ever notice how we don't appreciate what we have until it's gone? Whether it's a sports injury or a friend moving away, these moments remind us to cherish our lives as they are now.

One of my favorite sayings is, "A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man wants only one." This quote is a powerful reminder to appreciate the present. Often, the greatest gifts are the ones we already possess.

Iā€™m practical, and practicing gratitude has real benefits. It puts life's daily challenges into perspective. For example, a social media partnership I was excited about didn't work out. My first reaction was disappointment...

But when I took a moment to reflect on everything Iā€™m grateful forā€”the chance to do what I love, the people in my life, my health, even my favorite saunaā€”suddenly, that missed opportunity seemed insignificant.

Gratitude is like armor, giving you strength and perspective.Ā 

Hereā€™s a few ways you can cultivate gratitude when you feel stuck:

āœØ Gratitude Walks: Appreciate your surroundings. Notice nature's beauty, strangers' smiles, or the warm sun. These moments can uplift your mood.

āœØThank You Notes/Texts: Send a note to someone who has impacted your life. It makes them feel valued and strengthens your connection.

āœØ Gratitude Journal: Each day, write down three things you're thankful for. It trains your brain to focus on the positives.

Gratitude isnā€™t about ignoring challenges but celebrating the good in life. Don't overlook the simple joys that make life beautiful.

Wishing you a week filled with gratitude and joy! šŸ™

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 1 month ago

āœØ Imagine a magic potion that makes life exponentially better, with zero side effects. Would you take it? For me, it's a no-brainer. This ā€œmagic potionā€ is my morning routine. šŸ“ˆ

Morning routines can be polarizing, and thereā€™s no one-size-fits-all. As Charlie Munger said, ā€œYou are your own experiment.ā€Ā 

My approach evolves, but one thing remains constant: my morning routine makes my life unequivocally better. Life is a momentum game. Waking up early, caring for my mind and body, lights me up like a man on fire.

Here are a few key components of my morning routine:

šŸ’§Sauna and Cold Plunge: I look forward to this every morning. The sauna soothes my muscles and clears my mind. The cold plunge is exhilarating and refreshing, starting my day with a victory.

āœšŸ¼ Journaling: Physically writing with pen and paper helps me plan my day, declutter my mind, and set intentions. It increases my momentum and creates more wind for my sails.

šŸ“– 15 Minutes of Reading: This habit invigorates my mind and fills me with new ideas, making me feel good.
A key part of this routine is the belief that people follow through on who they perceive themselves to be.Ā 

This routine shapes my identity, making me feel like an action-takerā€”someone who prioritizes health, sharpens their mind, stays organized, and is committed to continuous growth.

If youā€™re on the fence about morning routines, consider this your nudge. Experiment, find what works for you, and let the magic begin. Let's transform the way you start your mornings and experience the positive impact it can have on your life. šŸŖ„

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 2 months ago

Last week, sitting in my studio with a coffee ā˜•ļø, I was surprised by the rain in Southern Arizona. It reminded me how quickly "new things" become ordinary and how we must often manufacture our own inspiration šŸ’”.

Feeling the need for excitement, my friend James and I packed our cameras šŸ“ø and headed to Sedona for the weekend. Practical? No. But the gut feeling to go was undeniable.

We hiked, captured incredible footage, and soaked in breathtaking views. By the end of the trip, I felt more inspired and creative than ever.

Sometimes, impractical decisions lead to the most profound inspiration. As Wayne Dyer said, ā€œYou can only give to the world what already exists within you.ā€

Embrace beauty, excitement, and inspirationā€”theyā€™re not luxuries but foundations for everything else. What have you been putting off? Do it. Follow your curiosity and let the adventure begin.

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 2 months ago

šŸš€ Be ferociously patient. What does this mean? Itā€™s staying fiercely consistent, detail-focused, and tenacious in your daily efforts while playing the long game. Head in the clouds, feet on the ground. šŸŒŸ

I want to share a bit of my personal journey. Not to boast, but to show that if I can make progress, you can too. Greatness is about everyday people committing to extraordinary outcomes.

For the past five months, I've been on a mission to put on weight and transform my skinny runner frame. It's been an adventure filled with patience and commitment that's still ongoing. Overcoming injuries and mobility issues has been a challenge. My knees and back have endured thousands of miles of running, but Iā€™ve found a balance, giving my body the care it needs.

Iā€™ve learned to be patient with my body when itā€™s hurt or strained, treating it with care and respect. Incorporating sauna sessions, cold plunges, stretching, and cupping therapy has been a game-changer for recovery.

Stretching before workouts, which I used to skip, has been crucial in keeping my muscles flexible and preventing injuries. Iā€™ve also discovered the benefits of cupping therapy, which improves blood flow and reduces muscle tension, giving my body the much-needed relief it craves. These adjustments have helped me to keep pushing forward.

Turning fitness into a lifestyle goes beyond the gym. Quality sleep, sunlight, wholesome food, hydration, and rest are crucial. Surrounding myself with like-minded people has kept me inspired.

Sure, I still enjoy an occasional beer with my buddies, but Iā€™ve realized that being healthy goes beyond the gym. A killer workout wonā€™t undo staying up until 3:00 a.m. munching on hot Cheetos and pizza.

Setting targets and monitoring weight and BMI keep me accountable and guide me toward my fitness goals. Consistency is key. Those days when the couch looks inviting? Thatā€™s when it counts the most. I like to think of it like a muscleā€”the more you flex it, the stronger it gets. Every day I push myself it makes it easier the next day.

I still have a long way to go, but thatā€™s the beauty of it. Time will take care of itself. Injuries and setbacks are part of the long game. The key is to give your body what it needs, be patient, keep checking boxes and trust the process.Ā 

Lesson learned: everything is fixable. You just have to 1. Believe it and 2. Commit to it.

I canā€™t wait to share an update in a few months and I encourage you to join me in your daily pursuit of something exciting, discovering and becoming your new, evolved self. šŸŒŸ

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 2 months ago

Ever felt like, as much as you wanted to start something new, you just werenā€™t ready to begin? I know I certainly have.

But let me ask you something. What if YouTube had never launched in 2005 because their interface wasnā€™t perfect? Too clunky and counterintuitive. What if James Clear never started his newsletter (the pre-curser to his best-selling book) because he didnā€™t yet know how to connect with his audience? What if Brady never picked up a football because he wasnā€™t as athletic or accurate as other kids in the neighborhood? Well, for starters, I wouldnā€™t be talking about any of them now.

In life, we often stop ourselves from realizing our greatness simply because we want to be perfect from the start. We expect 2024 YouTube in 2005. We expect to know before we begin. That, however, is not the way growth works. Itā€™s not the way life works.

When you feel angst about starting a new project or endeavor, Remember this concept: Minimum Viable Product. Itā€™s also referred to as an MVP. It essentially means getting draft one out into the world and not letting the minor details get in the way.

Those details and adjustments will occur over time. Youā€™ll get better simply through experimentation and iteration. The trick is not to be perfect. Itā€™s to put yourself into the race. Let yourself into the show. Itā€™s to start and in essence allow growth to occur.

I hope this resonates with you, wherever you may be in life. Donā€™t let perfection keep you from sharing your brilliance. Itā€™s better to launch something imperfect than to never launch at all.

For fun, I included a picture of 2014 me, with no clue what I was doing (in many ways, I still donā€™t). I got a lot of things wrong and a lot of things right, but what made the difference is that I started and never stopped. It wasnā€™t perfection that was my launchpad. It was jumping into that metaphorical pool AND THEN learning to swim. We are all capable of that.

What have you held back because it wasn't perfect? Itā€™s time to let go and launch!

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 2 months ago

Ever feel like life has thrown you into a storm, with obstacles from every direction?Ā 
Iā€™ve been there.Ā Chaos can make us feel lost, but clarity comes from asking the right questions.Ā 

Here are seven transformative questions to help you conquer any challenge:

How Are You Managing Your Time? šŸ•°ļø Reclaim your time for greatness.

Are You Considering the Season You Are In? šŸŒ± You are your next step, not your past struggles.

Are You Balancing the Future and the Now? āš–ļø Celebrate progress while striving for more.

Do You Realize Youā€™re Closer Than You Think? šŸ’” Sometimes, you're just an armā€™s length away.

Are You Keeping It Simple? šŸ§˜ā€ā™‚ļø Focus on basics for a happy, healthy life.

Are You Staying True To Yourself? šŸŒŸ Carve your own path, stay true to your North Star.

Are You Walking With Conviction? šŸ’Ŗ Operate with self-respect and conviction.

It's time to rise above, set boundaries, and create a life that reflects your values and aspirations.Ā 

#RiseAbove #ConquerYourWorld

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Eddie Pinero
Posted 2 months ago

šŸ’« I remember one of the most interesting weekends I ever had, despite feeling pretty sick, I decided to run the half marathon I had scheduled. Worst case scenario? A bad race and the world keeps spinning. So, I jumped in the car and headed there.

When all was said and done, I crossed the finish line with a personal bestā€”over fifteen seconds a mile fasterā€”in a race I almost walked away from because I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be at my best. Once I regained my composure, I wondered: how many times has "almost" gotten in my way? How many times has a simple decision to stop, not go, or wait for later changed the outcome of my life?

Think about itā€”how many potential bestsellers were almost started? How many greats almost stuck with it? How many friendships almost remained intact? Our world is fickle, and these simple decisions to start, to go, to not drop the pen or hit the snooze button can change everything.

After that race, I promised myself never to get in my own way again. Iā€™ll never sell myself short; Iā€™ll do everything in my power to be on the right side of "almost." The worst outcome is so much better than wondering.

We often question if itā€™s worth it, if it matters, if there will be a payout. Pragmatically, maybe there will, maybe there wonā€™t. But the moments we remember, the things that mean the most, donā€™t come from almost jumping. Theyā€™re born from recognizing that failure wonā€™t kill us and opportunity hides behind mountains of "almost."

You can keep your stories and ideals locked away, or you can share them with the world. Worry about the collapse, or you can build. Change the architecture of humanity, contribute something extraordinary, not be a victim of "almost," but go in with the intent of leaving a mark, of holding your ground.

There are no certainties in life, but I promise if you never leave, you will never arrive. With so many potential destinations, who wants that? Who wants to pay the cost of admission and not see the show? Be the person who, 30 years from now, tells friends, family, and teammates about how you almost didnā€™t go, almost said no, almost let insecurity and doubt winā€”but then you remembered what matters. šŸŒŸĀ 

#NoMoreAlmost #PushThrough #LiveFully

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