My name is Barnaby Estrella i was born in brooklyn, new york city, february, 2 ,1983 when i was the ages 9,10,11 i started questioning everything i see what i heard and what i know in my mind i always been curious of the did unknown did unseen and did unheard i believe we are unlimited beings the mind is a perfect proof lol when one question everything in life that is the first sign of knowledge.knowledge is power and there is no knowledge that is power i created a art that i call it the yogi finger pushups and this art is about yoga ,finger pushups , and mind over matter i self proclaim to be number # 1 in my arts that i call yogi finger pushups cause i never seen no one alive that could do everything i do the only one that cold do everything i do is the creator GOD .. so my chanel is about peace,love, number #1