CBQK Network is an independent media adhocracy created in definition & defense of our people. We stream the programming of independent artists that have lost all the fcuks and continue blazing their own trails.
Current schedule of shows:
ClapBack Queens & Kings - [Mon & Weds @7pm] : @J_TheGodIs hosts candid conversations with the Kings & Queens creating #ClapBackCulture in their lives & work.
THE Podcast - [Fri @9pm]: Comedic discourse around the thoughts and ideas of @SmokesandJokesComedy Hosted by @2ndFunniestCommedianInTheWorld
Accepting #contentpitches for 30min - 1hr time slots. Email: J.TheGodIs.Arts@gmail.com SUB: Content Pitch: (proposed day/s of week & time) + (name of show)
#supportthework www.patreon.com/TheGodIsArts