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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 7 months ago

The following is a transcribed event of Trance Mediumship, from 30/03/21 with our guide Earnest sharing his insights and knowledge of what is happening in general within the world and how it will benefit people.

S for Earnest: … there are huge changes on the horizon, many aspects of your experiences over these times will now be realising will be teaching many beneficial things for the future. You’ll all be tested in your own unique way and these will hold you in very good stead for the future.

A: Ok are you OK to answer some questions Earnest?

S for Earnest: A very intriguing situation

A: (Laughs) – who had questions - Y do you want to go first?

Y: Hello Earnest – I just wondered how do we know that we are following or honouring our Soul Contract….please?

S for Earnest : The Soul Contract is you see.. its completed at the very beginning, the very start, of your life, it evolves shall we say, deep within your Soul and your understanding, you know the answers, you are presented with, many challenges shall we say.

Decisions where, they lead you to another path, intimately bringing you back, guiding you towards the correct decision – instinctively you do understand and you do know, the direction that you decided at the beginning of your contract. If your Soul or a person is given the direct information, this ultimately limits so many experiences, throughout their lifetime you see.

As a consequence of this, it would help them and have a huge effect on so many other people. So in answer to your question: yes you do know you are following your contract; the agreement you set out – but this is all done through your energy around you, you are following your inner knowing…your intuition.

Y: Thank you

A : Is this why it’s so important Earnest, earnest to heal to let go of the old patterns?

S for Earnest :So many people are susceptible shall we say, to so many areas of their life, taken into a direction that is ultimately so damaging for them, so once they understand the implications shall we say, the implications of their actions , and they change this for the better, this where the true self, the true understanding is released

A. Yes, Thank you Y.

S for Earnest: As we watch so many journeys, they unfold, we see so many aspects of a person. I am very, particularly fortunate from my vantage point shall we say. I can see with clarity, each section of a certain person’s life, particular areas they struggle upon and on the other side you see, I see as things flourish and blossom, this is a wondrous thing to see.

Y: I’ve got another question for Earnest if he would. Are our family members that we know, are they guides from a different time line by a different appearance or a different name?

S for Earnest: As you must appreciate, we all have many lifetimes. The life that you experience here and now, is just another, another version, a different time a different experience, so with your guide, family members, all your ancestors, they are all interlinked in some way you see.

Y : Thank you

A : Can I ask any healing that we do in this life time, and accessing our Soul Path by releasing the old thought patterns, does that in turn have a positive effect on our own ancestor’s journeys and our family’s journeys, moving forward?

S for Earnest: Of without doubt. This is very important aspect, something we see, on many occasions…loved ones and our ancestors, so many Soul’s in fact, they benefit by your healing, your understanding, your forgiveness, your acceptance. There are so many here, seeing you see, with their own unique story, when unfortunately, many of these stories, they leave their scars on people past and their actions you see.

So the implications are huge, mistakes are made, these people past and present, so the healing process is final that we say, issues are resolved completely. Once a person feels the completeness of this task, any emotion held will fall to Spirit you see, to energy within the spirit world. This has a particular knock effect I would say, helps with the growth and the link between the Spirit world and your Earth lives. Something that we hope will be very instrumental you see, as time progresses.

A : Good – so we can also carry the wounds of those who have gone before us, if they haven’t healed?

S for Earnest: Feeling these, the people are linked, the emotions are linked, whilst they are carried around and if you like, they, they are still real, whilst somebody carries them with them through their journey so the will exist. Or they are dealt with in the correct manner and a person is allowed to be free of this, the healing is complete, the Souls in - Spirit you see, are also allowed to be free.

A : Yes - so it’s important for us all to remember how connected we are on an energetic level?

S for Earnest : Very much interlinked…the effects that individuals can have, is something most people don’t comprehend you see. We all have an important part to play, individually and collectively you see.

A : So that in turn affects the world as a whole?

S for Earnest: When we talk about the energy, we are creating this, with the negative or positive, energy is a real thing. So absolutely can be affected in so many ways.

A: Thank you Earnest. Anybody else like to ask a question? B would like to ask you a question.

B : Good evening Earnest. Please can I ask - have we reached critical mass for the number of light workers required to help with Ascension, do you know the answer to that please?

S for Earnest: This is an on-going situation that, there has been much work, huge implications shall we say, regarding the awareness. Collectively this is a particularly important subject on something that has been carefully structured.

Throughout the world, you see, there are many people, they are feeling connections towards the Spirit world themselves, unbeknown to them, they are opening up their awareness, this is having a huge knock on effect shall we say.

A :Ok anybody else – you’re welcome

S for Earnest :I would like to add, please to this

A : Of course

S for Earnest : Your particular situation, your awareness and your own understanding of your own situation, the general improvement shall we say, are quite remarkable – you are becoming your own person my dear. Your knowledge and your information, is a wonderful thing to see.

A : Exciting isn’t it

B: Thank you

A : You’re welcome. Ok shall we let them all feel your energy Earnest, if they close their eyes and connect with your energy? A short meditation followed, for each within the group to enjoy the powerful energy of the spirit world.

S: for Earnest: My life change began you see, with hope and expectation, all perfect health, things change, suddenly the crystal world, was laid out in front of me changes, I never lost hope, I moved forward, I watched, I learned, my life became reality, change as my journey moved forth, something that I may be particularly proud shall we say, I was fortunate to, to be able to help many people any children, in times of trouble, something I helped cherish.

Must not lose hope, things change we are now entering into a different time, where we draw together communities come together, simple simplistic things in life, bring joy and happiness.

I find my moments of peace surrounded in the vineyard, towards the end of my stay, surrounded by the hills, the sun beating on my shoulders, I have completeness you see, my journey was complete. I was very fortunate that I was able to continue my work, on the other side.

Some testing times before, to come, before they open a new gateway you see, we have the opportunity, togetherness,

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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 1 year ago

Each simply needs to focus on self healing. As this flows you will expand out of the duality and become one with your heart.

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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 1 year ago

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Starseed Oracle
Rebecca Campbell & Danielle Noel

How can share your soul song? What are being drawn to, what are you shying away from? Self questioning in a gentle way is a good process. But we must be ready to listen, dive deep into your authentic self and allow that beautiful unique song of yours to surface.  #yourlife #soulself #sovereignsoul #knowthyself #blueraydiamondhealing #divineflow 💎💫💜🙏🌈


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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 1 year ago

Thoughts for today on 'forgiveness'
Look within to see where you are holding old stagnant energy of grudges, old wounds, old stories. When each hold onto the pain and hurt from the past, it affects our own current story. It blocks and fills us with density that we no longer need. Ultimately hurting ourselves. Allow the old to surface, let go and move on. 💎💫💎

Keepers of the Light Oracle cards
Kyle Gray

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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 1 year ago

Where are you struggling with communication? This isn't always about how you express yourself to others but perhaps looking at how you communicate with yourself!

The ability to listen deeply into who we truly are and how we need to express that both internally and externally.

Take the mask off, look at your true reflection, not what others expect to see or have got used to seeing. Sometimes reaching inwards feels uncomfortable, but is necessary for healing. This is the only way to transition from the old version you have presented to the world, as you look into the mirror, see the beauty within, shining out as your true soul self.

So express and communicate with that inner light, inner knowing, step into the Authentic You. 💜💫💎🙏

Much love. 💖

Soul Singing Oracle Cards by Alison Clews (art) & Jackie Murray (words).

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Blueray Diamond Healing
Posted 1 year ago

All transformation begins with your own healing, there is no fast track, merely patience, persistance and full commitment to soul growth. Through all experiences good and bad we shift our energy in an ever spiralling band of engaging frequencies. Through these frequencies we begin to accept, release and move through the old wounds, we heal and enable the purest light to flow into the old spaces where the wounds once resided. Joyful, loving Divine Flow, where All are One. Unity in love for ones Self and others. Much love. 💎💫💎

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