🌻English 英文:
1. I am huge overseas fans for Chinese actor Wang Kai Mu.
2. This channel was created unofficially by Fans to share Fanmade edited videos and Wang Kai Mu's information. We welcome everyone who love and follow Kai Mu especially for whom no access to Chinese apps.
3. If any photos or video content with copyright doubts, kindly contact us via private message (PM) and we will remove it from this channel. Thanks and appreciate your understanding.
🌺Chinese 中文:
4. 我是中国演员王凯沐老师的粉丝。
5. 这个频道是非官方创建的,是粉丝创建与管理,目的是要分享粉丝二创视频和王凯沐老师在中国的最新动态和资讯。老我们欢迎所有喜欢和关注凯老师的人,特别是那些无法访问中国应用程序的人。
6. 如有版权疑虑在照片或视频内容,请私信(PM)联系我们,我们将会从本频道删除。在此感谢你的合作。