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Hi, I'm your local ambience and harpsichord lover AsterVrisk

6 days ago - 14 likes

Music uploads might be scarce for a while.
I'm still doing music stuff it's just hard stuff to upload because cureently I'm just teaching myself guitar.
I did take a class back in 12th grade but nothing stuck because I didn't play for 2 years now.

Hopefully I can do cool guitar stuff soon though!! :3

6 months ago - 5 likes

Never posted this here but Lunacids OST is out on streaming services including my music which makes this my first time on streaming servicesā€¦

also Untitled Harpsichord Album, Sorrows, and Songs For Something That Doesn't Exist are purchasable on Bandcamp for at most 3 dollars

9 months ago - 8 likes

There is a big backlog of music I've never posted before so I'm posting those right now as I try to get out of this music block of mine

1 year ago - 4 likes

Should I continue Aria of Sorrow in my next stream or do a music stream (imagine a screaming emoji right here)

1 year ago - 3 likes

If I were to...
Make a new album
Which would people want more?

1 year ago - 9 likes

Hey guys I have a big announcement!!

Now that the full update is finally out I can say, I made music for the indie First Person RPG Lunacid!!

This is a pretty big deal for me with Lost in Vivo and Spookys being huge inspirations to me when it comes to music !

1 year ago - 6 likes

Hey everyone
Merry Christmas!

Sorry I haven't been uploading videos as much, I have been working on a lot of projects that I can't really post here publicly at the moment.
There is a lot of music that I can't wait to share!

Hopefully I can find some time to make a song specifically for Youtube again.

1 year ago - 13 likes

OMG guys I can't believe I hit 5 subscribers !!!!!

1 year ago - 9 likes

Would people be interested in music work streams?
IDK if it would be very interesting since I know like maybe 2% about music theory but it might be a fun way to stay focused.

1 year ago - 6 likes

Woah what's this