Hi, I'm Asucena. A former tocatuber and a current gachatuber. Heres all about me. I am 13 years old who luvs cute things and writing. I have alot of irl friends. I usually make people in Gacha Life 2 (which I start playing at 11). I started this channel in November 1st, 2022 (when I was 10). I am usually offline because I don't have Capcut (which I keep trying to install). My favorite series is Glitter Force (which is leaving Netflix). And I don't accept hating in here. So if I find someone that hates me, I will block them. And heres all about me.
Personality: nice, cute, shy, quiet, not talk much, usually likes being alone (which I hang out with my friends alot), ect.
Likes: writing, cute things, making new friends, diaries
Neutral: drawing (only draw stickmans :/), being creating (hard for me) , some of my friend's ideas, talk alot
Dislikes: hights (like monkeybars, ferris wheels, ect) speaking in front with people, losing friends (I lost 3 friends but I'm alright) ect.,