Hi, I've spent 16 years in the U.S. IT industry as a Network Analyst, Systems Engineer, IT Trainer, and Sr. Systems Analyst and worked for companies, namely Compaq/HP, BellSouth Mobility, AT&T, etc. Later, for about five years, I was a freelance Web/WordPress & React developer. For the last five years, I've been working as the CTO of a Florida-based company. To begin with, I'll be focusing on the following topics:
Next.js/TypeScript (OOP, SSR, SSG, ISR) & Python (FastAPI)
OpenAI API, Assistant API, Fine Tuning, Dall-E 3, Whisper, RAG
Gemini Pro and Vision, LLAMA 2, Claude 2, HuggingFace etc.
Strapi CMS, JWT Tokens, HTTP-only Cookies, Authentication, Node.js
Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Daisy UI, Chakra UI, Streamlit
Langchain, Langsmith, LLama Index
Docker, Digital Ocean Droplets, VPS Management
Please feel free to drop a suggestion letting me know what you'd like to see on this channel that will be helpful. And of course, please don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe.