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Trillium: Wild Edibles

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I appreciate the support from the small group of people who

Trillium: Wild Edibles
2 months ago - 153 likes

Wood nettle, it's what's for dinner!

Trillium: Wild Edibles
2 months ago - 124 likes

The eclipse this year was great, I wish you all an enjoyable day! Here's a few pictures from the eclipse I took on my phone.

Trillium: Wild Edibles
3 months ago - 76 likes

Just a heads up that today's video about the time I got lost is kind of a one off. I wanted to share it with you all as we get into foraging season. There will be another video coming in a day or 2 about a very important issue with Morel mushrooms that is making the news rounds. I hope you all have a great day!

Trillium: Wild Edibles
3 months ago - 98 likes

Here's a sneak peek of tomorrow's video! It's going to be a vlog style video with some cool sights and some funny moments. The first picture is the Harbinger of Spring and the second picture is the flowers of Common Spicebush. Stay tuned for the video!

Trillium: Wild Edibles
4 months ago - 64 likes

With spring coming up so fast, the foraging season is upon us! What are you guys looking forward to this year? I'm looking forward to making more videos and making some new foods with wild Edibles that I've never made before.

Picture is Bee Balm from last year.

Trillium: Wild Edibles
1 year ago - 8 likes

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the latest identification video on Water Hemlock or Cicuta macular. This is one of the most poisonous plants in the world and is extremely important to know how to identify.

Trillium: Wild Edibles
1 year ago - 64 likes

Have you ever tried the flowers of Wild Carrot/Queen Anne's Lace?

If yes, what do you like to do with them?

If no, you should check out my latest video on making fritters from them!

Trillium: Wild Edibles
2 years ago - 195 likes

Just a heads up guys that when I upload there's an influx of pornographic spam comments. I try my best to remove them as fast as possible, but if you see them PLEASE report them. (The three dots next to a comment is where to report). This channel is NOT for that kind of content and I really don't want you guys to have to deal with spam/scams.

Trillium: Wild Edibles
3 years ago - 73 likes

Just a heads up.
Been trying to upload a video for a couple days now and it keeps getting stuck at 6%. Not sure what's going on but it's not my internet because everything else is working just fine, except this one video and uploading it. Getting frustrated as can be.

I've tried other videos and they work fine. Hopefully it'll decide to do something in the next few hours. Otherwise I'm not sure what to do about it.

Trillium: Wild Edibles
3 years ago - 57 likes

Hey all I wanted to make a post explaining why I haven't been uploading so much this year.

I know some of you guys miss the weekly uploading and I want to get back to it but as I'm sure you're all aware, this year has brought a lot of unexpected things for us all.

This year I have had an amazing turnout with the classes I teach, more than all previous years combined! This has kept me rather busy at times and away from the channel.

There have been family obligations that have required my attention, thankfully those are or have turned out okay.

In late September, I was hit in a parking lot and was without my car for an entire month. That really sucked because I had some videos I was wanting to film then; namely a couple on black walnuts and one on harvesting roots.

Also, burnout has hit this year. The channel needs some changes as the content feels stale to me, too repetitive. Identification videos are a staple of this channel as are my list videos. Many have requested more preparation videos and I did many in the past but stopped for location reasons(the kitchen was too small and dark to film in). I want to bring those back. Vlog style videos are something else I did frequently and want to do more of. They are fun and generate really good discussions.

If you have any video suggestions please feel free to put them in the comments. It's important to keep tabs on what you all want to see.

Thank you for reading and being such a great community, I appreciate you all!