Channel "Home food. Simple, tasty, inexpensive". The content is really designed for a viewer with a certain intelligence, and this sharply limits the number of viewers who will watch the channel's stories all the time. The main culinary preferences and, accordingly, playlists are as follows: The best dishes of Russian cuisine, Cuisine of Central and Southeast Asia, Georgian cuisine, Pilaf for every taste. I am a Georgian, Gagoshidze Georgy Georgievich, I know Georgian cuisine firsthand. Born and lived in Tajikistan for about 50 years. Tajik and Uzbek pilaf, shurpa, samsa, shish kebab - I know everything about these dishes. Russian cuisine is huge and multifaceted, go to the playlist with this name and see for yourself. The channel already has more than 700 items, mostly culinary hits. I publish three stories a week - on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 18:00. Moscow. Join, it will be delicious!