Yahuah is the Creator and Yahusha the Messiah. It's all about love. I bet there are millions of people that walk better than me who don't know Yahuah or Yahusha's name but reflect the works. When we come into truth, we desire to be teachers and leaders, but there is one teacher and leader, and it's our Love Yahusha walking as He did. Love your neighbor, love your friend, love your brother. Satan has NOT fallen yet. It's his last deception to deceive many. He shall come as we expect the true Messiah Yahusha to come. Father Yahuah, guide as many to this. If you're still reading, if I've offended you, I'm genuinely sorry. Don't let others' actions dictate your beliefs, and what you chase after that brings you joy. Also, get out of la la land. There are bombs dropping on women and children, Guided by evil. Wake up, stop hiding because you're scared, accept the reality for what it truly is.