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DiGi Valentine

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DiGi Valentine
1 year ago - 355 likes

Hi everyone! ~

Sorry for the down time. Work/Real Life has been beating me up for the last year and it left me with very little hours to do much of anything. In the coming months i'll be readjusting my schedule and getting some videos made, though i don't know what the upload rate will be like yet. Regardless, i definitely want to post some videos again.

I want to finish up the last of the NiGHTS datamine vids that i have let sitting on the back burner. Journey Of Dreams assets were datamined that i really need to talk about, so i'll get on that next.
Street Fighter 6 also came out and i want to talk about that as well, because i love it. I'm not sure what sort of videos i'll be making about it but i would like to dedicate some time to it somehow.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is also on the horizon and no doubt i'll want to talk about that as well when the time comes.

So all in all, there's definitely a bunch of videos i want to make and i hope to get some free time in the coming months to tend to them.
Once again, apologies for the down time. I'm still trying to figure things out, but i'll get there eventually.
Thanks for sticking around despite everything, i really do appreciate it!
See you lot again soon! ~