Welcome to Standing On The Promise. The promise is found in 1John 2:25: And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.
The purpose of this channel is to encourage and provide evidence for standing on this promise. Salvation and eternal life are real, free and available for a limited time only. Accept your offer today.
About Me:
I may appear regular and mediocre but I am purposed for great things in my Father's plans.
I am a woman of average ability but I am willing to be used by God and that makes ALL the difference. I was told by God to start this channel, and all that it is, is as a result of His leadership, His efficiency. Of myself, I can do nothing. I am a work in progress; what you see is the incomplete picture. The Master has not completed His masterpiece. You too, reader, are purposed for great things in your Father's plans. Give yourself to Him and allow yourself to be used in the way He chooses and observe what His Spirit will do in and through you.