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Praise Worship Music

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Praise Worship Music
23 hours ago - 24K likes

It is another Sunday morning, and we must keep it holy (let us pray)
Father, I bless you for counting me worthy to see this Sunday morning.
You have saved me all through Monday to Sunday, and I am grateful for your love. Lord, help me to be holy in all my dealings. Strengthen my resolve to keep all your command this day.
Help me to understand the powerful essence of this holy Sunday.
The scripture says, "Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."
Therefore, grant me the desire always to be righteous.
Clean my soul and my body from all the lust of the flesh.
Above all, let all I do this Sunday bring honor and praise to your Mighty name. Amen.
Top 100 Sunday Morning Worship Songs Playlist -

Praise Worship Music
3 days ago - 37K likes

Morning Prayer
Our most gracious, kind and loving Heavenly Father, Creator of visible and invisible things. Lord, thank you so much for all the blessings that you have given me. Thank you for always providing my needs. And above all, thank you for always giving me good health. Even though sometimes I struggle financially, but I'm still grateful because of the good health that you have given me. Lord, please keep my family safe always. That's my only request for today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Top 50 Morning Worship Songs For Prayers🙏

Praise Worship Music
5 days ago - 45K likes

PRAYER FOR TODAY Lord, It's me again. Thank you for helping me sleep through the night and waking me up to this beautiful morning. Lord, I pray that you teach me to love my life with each passing day. Fill my heart with joy and gladness and remind me of all the things in my life to be thankful for. When thoughts of negativity begin to fill my mind, please remind me that you love me. When I begin to feel helpless and hopeless, please remind me that you've got me. When I feel like I hate my life, please remind me that you created me for a purpose. Mold and guide me to your purpose for me, because I trust that your plans for me are better than anything I could ever ask for. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen

Praise Worship Music
1 week ago - 43K likes

Lord, Thank you for this beautiful Sunday morning. I come to you in prayer this morning, asking for the type of focus that only you can provide in this busy world. Help me to focus on the greatness of you and the life you have planned for me. Help me take any distractions and realize they are trivial earthly struggles in comparison to the joy you will bring that is everlasting. Instead of me trying to remove the distractions, help me embrace the distractions and keep the focus always pointing to you. Amen
Best 100 Morning Worship Songs 2024 🙏

Praise Worship Music
1 week ago - 43K likes

Prayer To Start The Day
Dear God, As I begin this new day, I thank you for the gift of life and for the opportunities that lie ahead.
Please guide me and help me to make wise choices today. Grant me the strength to face any challenges that come my way and to approach them with a positive attitude. Help me to be patient with others and to treat them with kindness and compassion. Lord, I pray that you would fill me with your love and your wisdom. May your peace and joy fill my heart and overflow into every interaction I have today.

Thank you for your faithfulness and your presence in my life. I trust you with this day and with all that it holds. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Best 100 Morning Worship Songs 2024 🙏

Praise Worship Music
1 week ago - 46K likes

Morning Prayer
Dear God, thank You for this another great and wonderful day.
Lord, we pray for those who are sick and weak today. We believe that you are the greatest Healer and Physician.
May You restore their health and teach them to value their life and health.
For those who are struggling financially, please provide their needs.
Thank you for the assurance that you will answer our prayer.
In Jesus' Name. Amen!
🙏 Best Morning Praise & Worship Songs For Prayers -

Praise Worship Music
2 weeks ago - 40K likes

It's Thursday Heavenly Father
For waking us up this Morning and starting us on our way, for letting us see the dawning of a brand new day, THANK YOU LORD! JESUS, is the lover of our soul.
Thank You Lord for making us whole! On Christ, the Solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand!
We Bless Your Holy Name! We Pray for traveling mercies, miraculous healings, financial blessings, forgiveness, and the ability to love others the way You love us.
We bend our knees in Worship, and ask for Your continued Blood covering,
Thank You Abba Father.
Best 10 Morning Worship Songs Collection -

Praise Worship Music
2 weeks ago - 45K likes

Heavenly Father, For bringing us to a brand new day and week, we Bless Your Holy Name!
We thank You for Your Mercy and Grace which woke us up this morning, and kept us safe throughout the night.
We remain forever Grateful for our families, homes, and jobs, and Pray that You will send Angels to protect us and our loved ones today.
May You mend every broken heart, touch all who need healing, comfort all who mourn, and Bless those with financial needs. In the Precious name of Jesus, Amen
Best Morning Worship Songs For Prayers 2024 🙏

Praise Worship Music
3 weeks ago - 47K likes

Friday Prayer
Dear Lord, please watch over those we love and our households. May our homes be sanctuaries and safe havens

filled with peace, harmony, and your presence. May our homes be a place where your love, grace, compassion,

and Spirit abound. Help us to encourage, nurture, support, lift each other up and glorify you in all that we

do and say. We thank you for our many blessings. In Jesus' name we pray.

🙏 Best Worship Songs 2024 Playlist -

Praise Worship Music
3 weeks ago - 40K likes

Wednesday Morning
Prayer Father God, before I start doing my task today, I just want to say THANK YOU for the gift of life.
THANK YOU for preserving my life and for protecting me through out the night.
Being able to rise up from bed is indeed a miracle l've received Lord.

Today, I pray Lord for Your mighty presence to continually guide us and protect us for the rest of the day.
Let this day be filled with blessing, favors, and healing.
We entrust our lives to you alone Lord and wholeheartedly submit to You In Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN

Best Praise and Worship Songs 2024 🙏