The statement says that in the "Nenemloro" channel, all the videos shown have been modified for the purpose of entertaining and indulging the viewers, in accordance with the requirements set by YouTube. This may refer to the editing, arrangement, or structuring of content to make it more engaging and in line with YouTube's policies to maintain quality and relevance for the audience.
Copyright Disclaimer:
Pursuant to article 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 Every Video, Audio, Recording, Image, etc. in this content is subject to Fair Use terms, Permitted by the Copyright Statute. Every content on this channel is created using AI programming and other systems and edited using Kine Master for the purpose of amazing entertainment and very good for the audience. Enjoy watching.
Some are made using applications:
Bing Ai
Musik studio YouTube
Kine master
and so forth
Thank you, hope you enjoy it. 🙏