in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
One Decade Later
It has been a long ride from where it all started 10 years ago this day. I was just a young teen in 8th grade, making my video debut not knowing where I would be today. Throughout my whole decade as a Transit Enthusiast, I have traveled and explored around tri-state, as I continue to follow my path with one of my dream goals being to travel in other states in the United States, and possibly fly out of the country as I am looking forward for many years to come as I continue to follow my dreams.
Relive my video debut 10 years ago this day:
#10years #tenyears #1decade #onedecade #10yearsonyoutube #tenyearsonyoutube #transitenthusiast #transitfanner #transitphotography #transitphotographer #transitvideography #transitvideographer
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Hey guys! I would just like to let y'all know that I apologize for the lack of activity in this channel due to personal reasons, which provided me less time active here. I've only been more active on Instagram as of late than on YouTube. Expect me to return to post transit content again on YouTube, as I already have plenty of footage to upload in this channel. Have a nice day! :)
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Year 9️⃣ as Enthusiast📸
Seen here is a 2021 NovaBus LFS HEV Low Floor #9735 operating on the M9 awaiting red light @ Park Row and Spruce Street near Brooklyn Bridge in Lower Manhattan.
It all started nine years ago today shortly after I created my YouTube channel, I uploaded my debut video thus officially declared myself as a Transit Enthusiast to this day. Hard to believe I was 14 years old when I first started, fast forwarding to today I am 23 years old, still going at it as I continue with more transit content when I get older. One year away until I reach my 10 year mark as Transit Enthusiast.
Relive to my debut upload, which was a short onboard video of 2011 NovaBus LFSA #5772 on the Bx41 +SBS:
#mtanewyorkcitybus #mtanewyorkcitytransit #mtanyctbus #mtanyctransit #mta #newyorkcitybus #newyorkcitytransit #nyctbus #nyctransit #novabuslfshev #novabuslfshybrid #novabus #m9 #m9bus #michaeljquilldepot #busphotography #busphotographer #transitphotography #transitphotographer #lowermanhattan #downtownmanhattan #9years #nineyears #transitenthusiast
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New Tech’s (C)omeback
On a hot Saturday afternoon, seen here is something that hasn’t happened in quite a minute, a set of East New York Yard’s R160A-1 (C) train as it is awaiting for its departure @ Euclid Avenue heading 168th Street-bound.
Recently, a few sets of R160A-1’s that are assigned on the (M) have been transferred to 207th Street yard to run on the (C) and some are sitting at Concourse yard. The reason for this is because the (M) is getting a reduction of R160A-1’s, due to the scheduled (F/M) G.O that’s happening until 2024. All (F) trains are running via 53rd Street and (M) trains will not run to Forest Hills-71st Avenue, instead terminate at 57th Street-6th Avenue on weekdays.
#mtanewyorkcitysubway #mtanewyorkcitytransit #mtanycsubway #mtanyctransit #mta #newyorkcitysubway #newyorkcitytransit #nycsubway #nyctransit #indfultonstreetline #fultonstreetline #r160subwaycar #r160 #ctrain #r160ctrain #euclidavenue #euclidavenuestation #euclidavenuebrooklyn #transitphotography #transitphotographer #subwayphotography #subwayphotographer #trainshots
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Pre-92 throwback
On a hot Sunday afternoon, here is a set of 1964-1965 Budd Company R32 signed as a (C) making its way along the Rockaway line @ Broad Channel. This train is on its way to Rockaway Park to begin its run to 96th Street-2nd Avenue
On Sunday August 13th 2023, New York Transit Museum hosted their Rockaway nostalgia run, operate the R1/9 Arnines from 96th Street-2nd Avenue to Rockaway Park, and a roundtrip back later in the afternoon. Not only that, a set of R32’s that was filmed for movie purposes was brought out as well. After the R1/9 dropped off ticketed passengers at Rockaway Park, the R32 pickup and drop off the ticketed passengers at Rockaway Park for a roundtrip run to and from Rockaway Boulevard. It made another roundtrip there but with no passengers onboard. Later in the afternoon, the R32’s and R1/9’s picked up the passengers at Rockaway Park for a run to 96th Street-2nd Avenue, and conclude its nostalgia run for the day.
An R32 signed as a (C) going to/from Rockaway Park gives flashbacks to pre-1992, which was the year the C was cut back from Rockaway Park to Euclid Avenue, and pre-1998 when the B terminated at 168th Street, and the C terminated at Bedford Park Boulevard, in which they swapped northern terminals. The R32’s ran primarily on the (C) along with the (A) until March 2020 when the R179’s delivery was completed.
#newyorktransitmuseum #nytransitmuseum #transitmuseum #newyorktransitmuseumtrain #nytransitmuseumtrain #transitmuseumtrain #mtanewyorkcitysubway #mtanewyorkcitytransit #mtanycsubway #mtanyctransit #newyorkcitysubway #newyorkcitytransit #nycsubway #nyctransit #indrockawayline #rockawayline #r32subwaycar #r32 #ctrain #r32ctrain #broadchannel #broadchannelstation #subwayphotography #subwayphotographer #transitphotography #transitphotographer #trainshots
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What's up, guys! This is The NYC Transit Productions. My name is Luis, I am 24-year old Mexican, born in Manhattan, New York, currently a Bronx resident, and a Transit Fanner of New York and New Jersey, mainly in MTA New York City Transit since 2014. I love to travel in peace, explore certain areas.
Instagram: Luis El Transit019 Official
ROBLOX Username: Transit019
First video: October 15, 2014
100th video: July 29, 2015
200th video: September 24, 2015
300th video: January 17, 2016
400th video: May 13, 2016
500th video: August 28, 2016
600th video: December 25, 2016
700th video: February 18, 2017
800th video: May 29, 2017
900th video: August 22, 2017
1000th video: October 21, 2017